All html and java script written by me :-) However, I would like to thank:
All the artists for allowing me to display their wonderful work
at the end of each FF4 section (you can find a list on the island)
The Dark Tower site
for the screenshots of the game
The search engines for indexing Lavanderia Pulp, in particular Yahoo!, Infoseek and
the Internet Movie Database
In general, everybody who added this site to their links' section:
Emroyka's Domain
Lyora's Mist Village
Setzer-Dee-Maria's Cult Tower
The personal page of Tiger
The Mistlands
What else? If you are interested, these are the main programs I used in the making of Lavanderia Pulp:
NotePad (code) - Animagic (soccer animations) - IrfanView (aeroplane and other special effects) - Acdsee32 - Netgraphics
Optimizer (bmp to jpg and bmp to gif conversion)
MINI INTRO Screenshots from Myth (System3)
THE ZIQQURAT Dran Draggore and Darkmoon are trademark of Strategic Simulations, Jenova is copyright of Squaresoft.
Rydia, Kain, Cecil, Rosa, Porom, Palom and Edge and most other characters appearing are copyright of Squaresoft
Rescue on Fractalus is owned by Lucas Film.
Emlyn Hughes International Soccer (to which the awards and the banners are inspired to) was produced in 1987 by Audiogenic